Projects i enjoyed working on, and worth sharing with the world
ft_transcendence - Ping Pong
Pong Pong in browser with rich user interface, built using Modern web development technologies. Supporting realtime match making, Private messages, Groups Messaging, One to One games
inception - Containerization/Docker
A small infrastrucure built using Docker and Docker compose. Consisting of a Wordpress site, mariadb, nginx as a reverse proxy. Following real workld security standards and best practices.
webserv - HTTP/1.1 Web Server
A feature rich web server written in C++98, supports static file serving, upload, CGI (Common Gateway interface) scripts, deletion. built in non blocking architecture for speed and efficiency
minishell - Basic command-line Shell
A basic command line shell writting in C langugage. supporting pipes, signal handling, output/input redirection, environment variable expansion.